What's bigger than Facebook, Google, Twitter and You Tube all put together?
Surely nothing can be bigger than all those bad boys put together, but yes, there is something bigger than even the vast oceans of the aforementioned leviathans of the e-commerce world. 2 billion of us in the world today have computers with access to the internet but there are over 5 billion of us now on mobile phones! M-commerce is officially the biggest prospective market in the world and QR Codes are set to be at the forefront of the mobile revolution.
One of the most high profile users of QR Codes on television at the moment is the BBC. Their TV series, The Good Cook uses them to offer viewers additional content via their mobile phones so that they can then recreate the recipes they see on screen at their own convenience.
QR Codes Explained
If you know about QR Codes then all you need to read here is that we have one of the best QR gurus working exclusively for us at QReative Studios - Chris Branden. If you are even considering using them in your marketing or within your company - and believe me you should be - then you need look no further.
If you are not so familiar with them, then basically they are just 2D barcodes not dissimilar to the ones you see everyday in the shops only they usually appear as black and white square dot matrix, as illustrated on the left. Not exactly rocking your world yet, are they? But hold on to your hat, cos these innocuous little squares are about to change the world we live in.
They may not look like they are up to much, but, within a few years of being launched in Japan 85% of all businesses were using them. In the IT world they are also known as hardlinks, which probably still doesn't impress you much, but in layman's terms a hardlnk has been the Holy Grail of marketing for about 20 years. The reason is because a hardlink has the power to turn a static image, like the one above, into a live, interactive, clickable hyperlink, just as if you were on the internet.
It is a secret portal that whisks you away to a mysterious other world.
The real beauty of them is that they can be scanned in seconds by your mobile phone which deciphers the code and redirects you to a website, an information page, a YouTube video, a Google Maps store locator, or basically, anything you like.
We all knew that we were in a the middle of a smart phone revolution, but make no doubts about it, these monotoned little cuboids are going to be right on the front line of that movement.
To get a glimpse into the QR world that is about to hit, grab a copy Chris Branden's book on the next page, or come direct to us and we'll create a geo digital marketing campaign for your company that will explode your marketing and energise your profit margins like you've never seen before.
QReative Studios best for all your marketing and advertising needs, promotional campaigns, copywriting services, corporate branding, re-branding, logo designs, graphic designs, straplines, slogans, taglines, etc. QR Codes - the ultimate guide to QR Codes; QR Codes explained; QR Codes made easy; QR codes eBook
QReative Studios Unit 6, Leysfield Road London W12 9JF